Up Next... BOLC (Basic Officer Leadership Course)

Fort Sill Holdover Due to COVID, and the inability of the Army to pay to house 300 people for an extra 10 days in a hotel, we could not report to our next training location right after DCC was finished. So, we had 10 days of “free time” at Fort Sill, OK…. Woohoo. We were allowed to leave base with a weekend pass if we desired, but this girl does not want the ‘rona. So, my roommates and I stayed pretty much in our barracks with the exception of the gym, meals, and a few shopping trips. However, we did investigate the nearby Wichita wildlife refuge, which was awesome! There’s a pretty little mini-mountain called Mount Scott where you can drive to the top and take lovely pictures like these! There were also some lovely bison, longhorns, prairie dogs, and unseen elk that don’t like to be found out in the open (I don’t blame them in that heat). The refuge is HUGE and stunning, and the wildlife are all able to freely roam wherever they please on the refuge. Here I am on a dam alon...